The History

Situated next to Shaar Shechem (the Damascus Gate) of the Old City, the Strauss Courtyard, originally built by Reb Bok?? to provide apartments for talmidei chachamim, was purchased in 1896 by Reb Shmuel Strauss, a wealthy German banker who had a deep desire to own a piece of land in Eretz Yisrael.

  At the encouragement of Rav Simcha Zissel Ziv, the Alter of Kelm, he purchased a plot right outside the Old City walls to provide apartments for talmidei chachamim who would engage in the study of mussar – as, according to Rav Simcha Zissel,

learning mussar in Jerusalem would bring the Geulah.


Reb Shmuel Strauss purchases land

Opposite Shaar Shechem on the border of the Old City of Jerusalem, and builds apartments for talmidei chachamim engaged in the study of Mussar.


Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld

Becomes Nasi of the yeshiva.


Rav Itzele Blazer

Arrives from Lithuania and joins the other Gedolei HaMussar in the Chatzer.


The residents flee

Once more due to threats of Arab violence.  As a result, the Chatzer falls into disrepair and the abandoned property is taken over by squatters.


Yeshivas Nesivos Ahron

Relocates to Chatzer Strauss


Yeshivas Ohr Chadash

Is founded in the Chatzer, in the Torah and Mussar spirit of Rav Yisrael Salanter. 


The Beis HaMussar

Is established in Chatzer Strauss.


On the Shabbos of the Chevron massacre

The residents of the Chatzer flee in the face of the Arab uprising.  They later return.


Yeshivas Nesivos Ahron

Acquires the Chatzer and begins a legal battle to remove the squatters.


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